Football Divisions
Kindegarten-2nd grade
Junior League
3rd & 4th grade
Ball carriers must be under 120 lbs
Senior League
5th & 6th grade
Ball carriers must be under 145 lbs
Sideline Cheer
Kindergarten - 2nd grade
Junior League
3rd & 4th grade
Senior League
5th & 6th grade

Practice & Games

The South Haven Rocket Football and Cheer season is August through October.
South Haven Rocket rosters one junior league team, one senior league team and one cheer squad. (Cheer squad will practice together but will cheer for grade specific division) All registrants will be placed accordingly. The number of flag teams is based on number of players registered. Teams will be assigned at the end of July. Players will be notified about their team assignment via email.
Practices will begin the first week of August and are held 2-3 times a week at the discretion of the coach.
The 8 week game season begins after Labor Day. One scrimmage game will be played prior to the start of the regular season. Games are played once a week on Saturday.
Game Times
Flag: 9 am
Juniors: 10:30 am
Seniors: Noon
South Haven Rocket League is a member of the Southwest Youth Football Conference along with Cassopolis, Hartford, Decatur, Watervliet, Lawton, Marcellus and Coloma.
When traveling as the visiting team, all South Haven divisions will play at the same location. Home games are hosted at Baseline Middle School. See field locations.